JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem MECH Branch Study Materials & & Lecturer Notes
Check out all the most current JNTU Materials and notes of JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem Mech Branch according to the most current syllabus of R13 and R15. We have actually offered all the downloadable totally free study products and speaker notes. JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem Mech Branch Study Materials.
JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem Mech Branch ]
B.Tech 2-2 Sem MECH Branch Subjects checklist
Production Technology
Kinematics of Machinery
Thermal Engineering I Notes (TE I)
Mechanics of Fluids and Hydraulic Machines Notes (FMHM)
Machine Drawing
Mathematics– II
Checkout all the most recent JNTU Materials and notes of JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem Mech Branch according to the most recent syllabus of R13 and R15. We have actually provided all the downloadable free study materials and lecturer notes. We also suggest to prefer message books and study materials which will certainly aids you to recognize the concepts easily without any troubles. JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem Mech Branch Study Materials.