Utilization of Electrical Energy Imp Qusts – UEE Important Q…

Utilization of Electrical Energy Imp Qusts – UEE Important Questions

  1. What are various techniques of settings of heat transfer?
  2. State different types of drives and give three advantages and disadvantages of any type of one of them.
  3. Whyelectrical drives produces noise? Just how it is reduces?


  1. State reason for failure of burner at the very least four.
  2. State four applications of dielectrically home heating.
  3. Describe the principal of dielectric home heating and its applications?

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  1. Why just D.C. supply is utilized in case of carbon arc welding?
  2. What are the various approaches of welding? What are the types of butt welding?
  3. What are the applications of the electrical welding?

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  1. Define following terms i) MSCP ii) MHCP.
    i) MSCP ii) MHCP
  2. State Inverse square regulation and Lambert’s cosine legislation of illumination?
  3. Describe exactly how you will certainly measure the candle light power of a source of light

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  1. State at least four differences between Incandescent Lamp and Fluorescent tube.
  2. State four advantages of graphite electrode over carbon electrode in situation of arc heating furnace.
  3. Compose the concept of electric incandescent lamp.

For even more questions please download and install the above Pdf documents.

Whyelectrical drives generates sound? What are the different methods of welding?

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