JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Semester Civil Branch Syllabus
JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Semester Civil Branch notes pdf – btechnotes provide you the latest notes of Civil at one page. To download the complete study materials or chapter wise notes of Civil pdf notes, click on the below links respectively.
We have listed out the Subjects and their links to download JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Semester Civil Branch in PDF files
Estimating, Specifications & Contracts(Will Update Soon)
Open Elective – II:
- 1. Engineering with Geo-synthetics(Will Update Soon)
- 2. Environmental Impact Assessment and Management(Will Update Soon)
- 3. Advanced Structural Engineering(Will Update Soon)
- 4. Ground Water Development and Management(Will Update Soon)
- 5. Traffic Engineering(Will Update Soon)
- 6. Infrastructure Management(Will Update Soon)
Open Elective-III:
- 1. Advanced Foundation Engineering Notes (AFE)
- 2. Solid waste Management
- 3. Earthquake Resistant Design(Will Update Soon)
- 4. Watershed Management Notes (WM)
- 5. Pavement Analysis and Design(Will Update Soon)
- 6. Green Buildings(Will Update Soon)
Open Elective-IV:
- 1. Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations(Will Update Soon)
- 2. Environmental and Industrial Hygiene(Will Update Soon)
- 3. Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Structures Notes (RRS)
- 4. Water Resources Engineering II Notes (WSE II)
- 5. Urban Transportation Planning(Will Update Soon)
6. Safety Engineering
- 7. Bridge Engineering(Will Update Soon)
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