JNTUH 2nd year R18 Syllabus Book– Btech All Branches
JNTUH 2nd year R18 Syllabus Book for all the B.tech students comes from ece branch, civil branch, mech branch, eee branch, cse and IT branch etc are available here. This Syllabus publications consists of all the subject devices with the subjects included in the specific devices. At the end of the each subject syllabus their will certainly be referral textbook names referred by specialist lecturers. Before preparing for your examinations please prepare according to the curriculum. These curriculum book is of r18 guideline of jntuh.
Listed below we have actually supplied the web links for JNTUH 2nd year Syllabus Books for B. Tech Students of R18 policy.
JNTUH R18 Syllabus Book B.tech for 2nd year of CIVIL
JNTUH R18 Syllabus Book B.tech for 2nd year of CSE
JNTUH R18 Syllabus Book B.tech for 2nd year of ECE
JNTUH R18 Syllabus Book B.tech for 2nd year of EEE
JNTUH R18 Syllabus Book B.tech for 2nd year of MECH
JNTUH R18 Syllabus Book B.tech for 2nd year of IT