Energy Engineering Notes VTU PDF Notes | EE Pdf VTU

Energy Engineering Notes VTU PDF Notes

Here you can download the Energy Engineering Notes VTU PDF Notes | EE Pdf VTU of as per VTU Syllabus. Below we have list all the links as per the modules.

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Energy Engineering Notes VTU PDF Notes | EE Pdf VTU

Link: Complete Notes

EE VTU Notes | Energy Engineering VTU Notes | VTU EE notes

    PART – A



Steam Power Plant: Different Types of Fuels used for steam generation, Equipment for burning coal in lump form, stroker, different types, Oil burners, Advantages and Disadvantages of using pulverized fuel, Equipment for preparation and burning of pulverized coal, unit system, and bin system. Pulverized fuel furnaces, cyclone furnace, Coal and ash handling, Generation of steam using forced circulation, high and supercritical pressures.

Link: Unit 1 Notes



Chimneys: Natural, forced, induced and balanced draft, Calculations and numerical involving height of chimney to produce a given draft. Cooling towers and Ponds. Accessories for the Steam generators such as Superheaters, De-superheater, control of superheaters, Economizers, Air pre-heaters and re-heaters.

Link: Unit 2 Notes



Diesel Engine Power Plant: Applications of Diesel Engines in Power field. Method of starting Diesel engines. Auxiliaries like cooling and lubrication system, filters, centrifuges, Oil heaters, intake and exhaust system, Layout of diesel power plant.

Link: Unit 3 Notes



Hydrographs, flow duration and mass curves, unit hydrograph and numerals. Storage and poundage, pumped storage plants, low, medium and high head plants, Penstock, water hammer, surge tanks, gates, and valves. A general layout of hydel power plants

Link: Unit 4 Notes


    PART – B


Principles of the release of nuclear energy; Fusion and fission reactions. Nuclear fuels used in the reactors. Multiplication and thermal utilization factors.Elements of the nuclear reactor; moderator, control rod, fuel rods, coolants. A brief description of reactors of the following types-Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, Sodium graphite reactor, Fast Breeder reactor, Homogeneous graphite reactor, and gas-cooled reactor, Radiation hazards, Shielding, Radioactive waste disposal

Link: Unit 5 Notes



Solar Extra terrestrial radiation and radiation at the earth surface, radiation-measuring instruments, working principles of solar flat plate collectors, solar pond and photo voltaic conversion. Properties of wind, availability of wind energy in India, wind velocity and power from wind; major problems associated with wind power, wind machines; Types of wind machines and their characteristics, horizontal

Link: Unit 6 Notes  



Tides and waves as energy suppliers and their mechanics; fundamental characteristics of tidal power, harnessing tidal energy, limitations. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Principle of working, Rankine cycle, problems associated with OTEC. Geothermal Energy Conversion: Principle of working, types of the geothermal station with a schematic diagram, problems associated with geothermal conversion, the scope of geothermal energy

Link: Unit 7 Notes



Photosynthesis, photosynthetic oxygen production, energy plantation. Bio-Chemical Route: Biogas production from organic wastes by anaerobic fermentation, classification of biogas plants, factors affecting biogas generation. Thermo Chemical Route: Thermochemical conversion on biomass, types of a gasifier.   06

Link: Unit 8 Notes

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