Computer System Programming Lab Manual Pdf – CP Lab hand-ope…

Computer Programming Lab Manual Pdf – CP Lab manual pdf data

Please download the Computer Programming Lab Manual Pdf – CP Lab hands-on pdf file in the listed below given links.
Download Link Lab hand-operated experiment names 1.1 OBJECTIVE: 1. To find the sum of specific figures of a given number N. 2. Generate the Fibonacci series approximately N. 3. To Generate the Prime numbers up to N. 2.1 OBJECTIVE: 1. To calculate the Sum= 1-x2/ 2!
+ x4/4!- x6/6!+ x8/8!- x10/10! 2

. To locate the origins
of a square formula. 3.1 OBJECTIVE: 1. The total range traveled by vehicle in ‘t’ seconds is provided by range
= ut +1/ 2at2 where’ u’ and’ a’ are the
initial velocity

( m/sec )and velocity( m/sec2). Compose a C program to locate the distance traveled at regular periods of time given worths of’ u’ and’ a’.

2.( think about drivers+, -, *, and %).

Generate the Fibonacci series up to N. 3.+ x4/4! To find the origins
of a quadratic square. 2.( think about drivers+, -, *, and %).

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